Wednesday, 15 February 2017

unit 13 task 2B


  1. 1A.3 (Level 1 pass) you have summarised how message and meaning are conveyed in existing examples of graphic design from one media sector.

    Ricardo you have made a good start here covering some key areas to identify how meanings and messages are communicated across x3 media sectors.
    You do however need to make sure that you have covered all areas for each product and you can do this by linking to the technical elements you have identified in task 2.A as examples to explain the messages/meanings communicated to it's audience.

  2. the changes i have made are on the re-draft and are in yellow

  3. Good - however needs more look at the task again I will go over this with you in lesson. I would like for you to push to a Merit at least.

  4. There is an addition on each slide in yellow using references to task 2a
