Friday, 3 February 2017

Unit 13 Task 2A


  1. 1A.2 (Level 1 pass) you have outlined the technical elements of graphic design in digital media products.

    Good examples from all 3 sectors.
    You need to use more subject terminology (see brief & help sheet) and you need to analyse the technical elements describe – why have they used these techniques.
    When highlighting a technical element - e.g. Typography - please be more specific - how does the text/font through design help communicate the campaign's message.

  2. the changes i have made are in red on the re-draft

  3. Pass - 2A.P2 (Pass) you have described the technical elements of graphic design in three existing digital media products.

    I need more explanation in order to push up to a Merit.

  4. i have made a little addition from the second last line on the second slide and an addition to the last slide
